Four Tips For Taking a Mindful Approach to Nutrition

When it comes to diets, the problem is that when many people think about them, they forget: people are human beings and not robots. Food is a part of everyday life, but it’s a part that many look forward to and carries an emotional and environmental impact.

To have any success in improving your personal nutrition, you need to take why you eat into account, according to Nyree Dardarian, an assistant clinical professor in Drexel University’s College of Nursing and Health Professions and director of the Center for Integrated Nutrition.

Here, she gives some “no-brainer” tips to take the focus off eating and make it more about your mood, feelings and environment.

1. Share it.

Eat with a friend and share the meal. This means you will eat only half the portion and save on half the calories. Finding a friend to share a meal with daily can be fun. Put the phone down and focus on your food and friendship.

2. Eat in Peace.

Don’t be in a rush. Sit down and be with your meal. Researchers suggest that women eat substantially more when eating while distracted. So, set the mood, find a calm place to eat and be present when eating.

3. Water doesn’t have to be boring, or cold.

It is important to drink enough water, but that doesn’t mean it has to be drab. Drink hot peppermint tea, no sugar necessary, throughout the day. Hot water with lemon is another satisfying option. Not into hot water? Add crushed fruit or herbs to your cold water.

4. Avoid Bar-on-the-Go Syndrome.

Remember tip No. 2? Protein and nutrition bars are snacks-on-the-go. On top of that, many protein and nutrition bars are not all they appear to be. Compare the nutrition facts label to a common candy bar; you will be shocked by the similarities.

Dardarian is a registered dietitian who provides one-on-one nutrition sessions via Parkway Health and Wellness’ Nutrition Services program.

Media interested in talking with her should contact Frank Otto at 215.571.4244 or

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